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Nasi specjaliści

Take advantage of the support of the Foundation for Social Education

The Foundation for Social Education is an organization that has been supporting HIV-positive people and them for 20 years loved ones. We are here so that you can find reliable knowledge, psychological, legal and social support.
We also have free English lessons and personal development workshops.

Type of FREE support you will get from us:

 Konsultacje psychologiczne

-Agnieszka Waluszko i Agnieszka Górecka

Interwencja kryzysowa

(konsultacje indywidualne)

Poradnia Profilaktyczno- Lecznicza

- Katarzyna Sikorska

Nauka języka angielskiego

grupa początkująca i średnio zaawansowana

Konsultacje  z prawnikiem

- mec. dr n. prawnych Katarzyna Julia Kowalska

doradca HIV/AIDS

(konsultacje indywidualne)

- dr n. społ. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak

Warsztaty rozwoju osobistego

- dr n. społ. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak

i Agnieszka Górecka

All activities are FREE OF CHARGE. Consultations and workshops are conducted at the premises of the Foundation for Social Education or online. Registration is accepted from Monday to Friday from 10.00-15.00

or at the following e-mail address:

The project is financed by the City Hall of Warsaw under the agreement 2021-2023 and is carried out in cooperation with the Social Assistance Association and with the support of the sponsor of the GSK company

Take care of yourself. Reduce stress. 
Mental well-being with the Social Education Foundation on YouTube.

  • YouTube

How to achieve mental well-being?

What is the feeling of well-being?

How do pleasant and difficult emotions affect us?

How can we cultivate a relationship with ourselves / ourselves?


You will learn all this from the podcast / videocast of the Foundation for Social Education, realized thanks to the support of Sanofi. An interesting dose of knowledge and simple exercises await you.


We invite you to a joint practice that can help you take care of yourself. Host: Agnieszka Górecka - TSR therapist, breath integration practitioner, personal development trainer, vice president of FES.

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