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  • Free support from FES | Pozytywne Życie

    wsparcie bliskic Take advantage of the support of the Foundation for Social Education The Foundation for Social Education is an organization that has been supporting HIV-positive people and them for 20 years loved ones. We are here so that you can find reliable knowledge, psychological, legal and social support. We also have free English lessons and personal development workshops. Type of FREE support you will get from us: Psychological consultations -Agnieszka Waluszko and Agnieszka Górecka CONTACT Crisis intervention (individual consultations) Prophylactic and Treatment Clinic - Katarzyna Sikorska CONTACT English language learning beginner and intermediate group CONTACT Personal development workshops - Ph.D. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak and Agnieszka Górecka CONTACT HIV / AIDS advisor (individual consultations) - Ph.D. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak CONTACT Consultations with a lawyer - Katarzyna Julia Kowalska, doctor of legal sciences CONTACT HIV / AIDS advisor (individual consultations) - Ph.D. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak CONTACT Personal development workshops - Ph.D. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak and Agnieszka Górecka CONTACT HIV / AIDS advisor (individual consultations) - Ph.D. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak CONTACT wsparcie fes Take care of yourself. Reduce stress. Mental well-being with the Social Education Foundation on YouTube. How to achieve mental well-being? What is the feeling of well-being? How do pleasant and difficult emotions affect us? How can we cultivate a relationship with ourselves / ourselves? You will learn all this from the podcast / videocast of the Foundation for Social Education, realized thanks to the support of Sanofi. An interesting dose of knowledge and simple exercises await you. We invite you to a joint practice that can help you take care of yourself. Host: Agnieszka Górecka - TSR therapist, breath integration practitioner, personal development trainer, vice president of FES. lek. Karolina Lisek-Kubacka lekarka zakaźniczka Lekarka zakaźniczka, Certyfikowana doradczyni ds. HIV/AIDS. Agnieszka Waluszko psycholog Certyfikowana doradczyni ds. HIV/AIDS. Od lat pracuje z osobami żyjącymi z HIV, uzależnionymi od substancji psychoaktywnych. Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak pedagog, socjolog, edukator seksualny Certyfikowana doradczyni ds. HIV/AIDS, członek Światowego (International AIDS Society) , Europejskiego (European AIDS Clinical Society) i Polskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego AIDS (PTNAIDS). Iza Jąderek psycholog, seksuolog, terapeuta Certyfikowana doradczyni ds. HIV/AIDS, osiada certyfikat seksuologa klinicznego Polskiego Towarzystwa Seksuologicznego oraz certyfikat seksuologa Europejskiej Federacji Seksuologicznej (EFS) oraz Europejskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Seksualnej ( ESSM). Agnieszka Górecka pedagog, terapeuta TSR, praktyk integracji oddechem Certyfikowana doradczyni ds. HIV/AIDS, coach oddechu, prowadzi zajęcia z rodzicami, młodzieżą. Łukasz Bukaczewski radca prawny Wsparcie prawne osób żyjących z HIV. All activities are FREE OF CHARGE. Consultations and workshops are conducted at the premises of the Foundation for Social Education or online. Registration is accepted from Monday to Friday from 10.00-15.00 or at the following e-mail address: Warszawa-znak-RGB-czarny-projekt_wspolfinansuje logo_pomoc socjalna_CMYK GSK_ViiV_RGB (1) Warszawa-znak-RGB-czarny-projekt_wspolfinansuje 1/3 The project is financed by the City Hall of Warsaw under the agreement 2021-2023 and is carried out in cooperation with the Social Assistance Association and with the support of the sponsor of the GSK company Are you looking for support in your city? Check out other aid organizations in Poland. Look

  • Jestem osobą z penisem | Akademia Pozytywnego Życia

    I am a person living with HIV The response to antiretroviral therapy and the course of infection are gender independent. When living with HIV, you don't have to give up sexual activity, family or social life. Are you a man who has sexual relations with men? Find out here how to take care of your sexual health when you are HIV positive. What is happening in your body? Want to read more about HIV infection? Click below or go to the "Course of HIV infection" tab. See more What will the doctor ask about during the first visit? This is a text paragraph. This is a great place to describe your business, website, or what you do. Use this space to add information that will be useful to your users, write about your philosophy or journey, and describe what sets you apart from others. Add a photo or video to arouse even more interest. More HIV and other STIs Did you know that the risk of HIV infection during receptive anal sex is up to 3%. In the second, it works similarly. If you are HIV positive and have undetectable viremia, great! However, remember that there are other sexually transmitted infections besides HIV that you are still exposed to. Despite the fact that you can heal most of them, they are not indifferent to your body. Also, be mindful of your partners' health. If you are not using a condom and are in contact with more than one person, you can pass the infection from one person to another. The condom is still one of the best protection against STI infection. Chemsex and HIV Do you happen to take drugs? Take care of them when you live with HIV. Your ARV medications can raise the levels of certain psychoactive substances in your body to unsafe levels. GO TO PAGE Don't underestimate depression and anxiety. Let me help you. Did you know that MSM is more than twice as likely to suffer from recurrent depression at some point in their life, and they experience panic disorder almost three times more often than the general population? In HIV-infected people, the percentage of both disorders is even higher. If: you feel sad, anxious, anxious, guilty, you are more tearful you have a drop in mood, nothing makes you happy, you lack energy, you suffer from sleep disorders (problems falling asleep, waking up in the morning, excessive sleepiness), your appetite has changed (increased or decreased), you have thoughts of suicide. And these symptoms persist for more than 3 months, contact a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. You don't have to deal with it alone. Specialists will help you deal with the disease and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications. Are you looking for psychological support? Check the offer of non-governmental organizations. Check Get tested regularly! Cancer prevention in women living with HIV Testicular cancer prevention Testicular cancer is most common in men between the ages of 20 and 30. The risk of its development in men living with HIV is 2.5 times higher than in the HIV population (-). ​ Do a test of the testicles yourself once a month. Once a year, it is worth going to a urologist who will do it professionally. Penile cancer prevention Penile cancer is 5-6 times more common in HIV-infected men compared to uninfected men. Antiretroviral therapy has no influence on the risk of developing it. ​ Proper hygiene and observation of the penis - see a urologist if there are any changes in the penis. Anal cancer prevention HPV infection is the main cause of cancer of the anus and condylomata acuminata. ​ Digital rectal examination every 1-3 years - If you have regular receptive anal contacts without a condom. Regular manual examination of the anal canal with a finger (2 cm). Vaccination for HPV - consider having an HPV vaccination if you are under 45 years of age. Currently, a vaccine is recommended to prevent infection with serotypes 6, 11, 16 and 18 (quadrivalent) or 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 (nine valent). The most important information to remember If you are seropositive, use contraception. Some drugs can interact with ARVs, so always notify your doctor about your drug treatment. By living with HIV, you can get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. By taking your medication regularly, you won't pass HIV to another person through sexual contact.

  • Niewykrywalny HIV. Jak to osiągnąć? | Pozytywne Życie

    What does undetectable HIV mean? Wiremia determines the amount of the virus in the blood and in the secretions of the genital organs. According to the guidelines of the Polish AIDS Research Society, viremia test (blood test) _cc781905-bb3b-31 136bad5cf58d_ is done twice a year in patients who are on antiretroviral therapy. It is thanks to antiretroviral therapy that you are able to achieve an undetectable viral load. Does this mean I will get rid of the virus in my body? No, but it will be so small that you will become a non-infectious person. What does undetectable viremia give me? Thanks to undetectable viremia, you become a non-infectious person. This means that if a person living with HIV is on effective antiretroviral therapy, it is "as effective as consistent condom use". So you can have sex without condom protection and you won't pass the virus on to another person. You can also father or give birth to an uninfected child. To ensure treatment is working, it is recommended that you wait 6 months after your first undetectable viral load before starting sex without condoms. sexually. How do you achieve undetectable viremia? An undetectable amount of virus can only be obtained with REGULAR intake of medication. Your doctor will determine your viral load based on tests. When you achieve an undetectable viral load depends on your body and medication action . The goal of antiretroviral therapy is to inhibit viral reproduction, slow disease progression, and prevent the development of opportunistic diseases i_cc781905-5crawa-136cc_78-bb3bf-quality 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and prolongation of survival. Undetectable viremia does not allow treatment discontinuation as the viral load increases again after treatment discontinuation.

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